Privacy Policy

Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

Your privacy is important to us. We would like to inform you that this website collects various data, either independently or through third parties. That data includes: Cookie, Usage data, name, surname, email.

Details on the types of data collected will be provided later in this Privacy Policy or through specific disclosure documents that can be viewed before completing various forms.
Personal data can be freely provided by the user or, in the case of usage data, collected automatically as you browse the website.
Unless specified otherwise, all data requested is compulsory. If the user refuses to provide this data, it may be impossible to provide them the requested service. If the website indicates some data as optional, the users are free to abstain from providing this data, without there being any consequences on the availability or operation of the service.
Users who have any doubts regarding which data are compulsory, please contact the data controller.
Cookies – or other tracking tools – are used by this website or by the data controllers of third party services used by this website, unless otherwise specified, to provide the service requested by the user, as well as for other means described in this document or in the Cookie Policy, that can be used as reference.

The user is responsible for third party personal data acquired, published or shared on this website and guarantees to have the right to provide or share this, assuming all responsibility from the data controller regarding third parties.

All data collected is stored in secure structures by the data controller, to which only authorised persons have access. For further information, please contact the data controller.
When personal data is transferred to a country other than the user’s country to be processed by third parties, the user has the right to obtain further information regarding the place where the data is processed and the data protection measures adopted by the data controller. The user can refer to the section on details on personal data processing.

Regarding the transfer of data out with the European Union, please refer to the relative sections in this document. The user can always ask the data controller for information.

Duration of treatment
The data collected is always stored for the amount of time that is strictly necessary to reach the aims for which said data is collected and it is not subject to dissemination.
The data collected can also be stored for longer periods when the user gives their consent to processing and up until the point this consent is revoked or it is necessary to comply with legal obligations or an order by an authority.
Pursuant to a contract between the data controller and user, the data is stored until the contract is completed. As regards the data collected solely referable to legitimate interests, this data is stored until said interest is satisfied. In any case, the user can contact the data controller for further information regarding the legitimate interests or refer to a related section of this document.

Once the terms of storage of personal data have expired, this data will be deleted and it will no longer be possible to access or transfer it.

How and where is your data processed?
The data controller employs necessary security measures to prevent personal data from being improperly disseminated, preventing unauthorised access to, modification or destruction of this data.
Personal data are processed using digital and IT tools. Security measures are observed to prevent the loss, illicit use and dissemination of the data, as well as unauthorised access to the same. The data controller may delegate other subjects to assume responsibility for processing if deemed necessary. These subjects may be directly involved, such as business, marketing, administration or legal departments, or external parties providing third party services, hosting providers, communication agencies, courier services. The data controller should always keep an updated list of these subjects in case this is ever requested.

What is the legal basis for data processing?
The data controller or third party legitimate interests constitute the legal base of the data processing.
The user data are processed by the data controller only when the user has provided their consent to processing for one or more purposes, in order for the contract with the user to be executed and/or for the execution of the pre-contractual disclosure requirements, to fulfil a legal requirement, carry out a task for public interest or public powers in which the data controller is invested. The user also has the right to request, at any time, information from the data controller pursuant to the concrete legal basis of each processing operation and request details on whether the processing operation is based on the law or on a contractual agreement or whether it is required to complete a contract.

What is the purpose of processing your personal data?
Please note that data are collected by the data controller in order to provide their services. In addition, the data is collected for other purposes: hosting and back-end infrastructure, statistics, interaction with social networks and external platforms, payment management, content commenting, advertising, the optimisation and distribution of traffic, access to third party service accounts, contact management and sending messages, management of tags, protection from spam, content viewing from external platforms, registration and authentication, re-marketing and behavioural targeting, platform and hosting services.

For further information and details, please refer to the related section.

Contact form
Once you have completed the contact form with your personal data (name, last name, email, telephone number, company name, etc.), you automatically give your consent to the processing of your data that will be used to send proposals, request information or send information of any other nature indicated in the form.

Backend e hosting by Seeweb
For the functioning of the website, we use hosting services on external servers and management platforms allowing us to update content and save your personal details.

It is not always possible to identify the exact geographical location where the data is processed, as the servers may be geographically located in different places as a result of technical decisions that are completely independent of the data controller, although they are decided by the housing and hosting service providers.

Seeweb srl
Seeweb was created with the purpose of providing a complete range of cloud services as a response to the needs of companies with any kind of project. Their purpose is carried out through developing virtual infrastructure, archiving and sharing data, preparing disaster recovery operations, externalising backups and even developing an SaaS server from their own software.

Data is processed in Italy – Privacy Policy

WordPress Statistics
The WordPress statistics service is provided by Automatic Inc., and collects usage data and cookies.

Personal data are processed in the United States – Privacy Policy.

GTM – Google Tag Manager
Wordpress Statistics The WordPress statistics service is provided by Automatic Inc., and collects usage data and cookies.

Personal data are processed in the United States – Privacy Policy. Party member of Privacy Shield.

Google reCAPTCHA spam protection service
reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects this website from spam and abuse. The service, provided by Google Inc, uses advanced risk analysis technology to distinguish human beings from robots.

For more information on data collection and cookies please refer to Google’s Privacy Policy and terms of use.

Personal data are processed in the United States – Privacy Policy. Party member of Privacy Shield.

WordPress platform
WordPress is a CSM (Content Management System) platform provided by Automattic Inc. which hosts this website. It comprises a free platform that provides easy to use tools that allow us to manage comments, user subscriptions, payment processing and much more. All information is saved to a data base including your personal data.

To learn about which data is collected by the service, please refer to the service Privacy Policy.

Personal data are processed in the United States – Privacy Policy.

Google Font
Google Font is a service managed by Google Inc. It comprises an interactive web directory allowing you to view the website content. The service collects traffic data about the pages in which it is installed, meaning that, if you, the user, have not installed the same service, it is still able to track your personal data if you browse the website.

To learn more about the type of data collected, please refer to the relative section of the Privacy Policy of this service.

Personal data are processed in the United States – Privacy Policy. Party member of Privacy Shield.

Google Maps
Google Maps is a service provided by Google Inc., allowing this website to search for and view geographical maps. The service collects personal usage data and cookies.

Personal data are processed in the United States – Privacy Policy. Party member of Privacy Shield.

Rights of the data subject
As data subject, the user can refer to the data controller at any time to enforce his or her rights.

As data subject, the user has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence (or not) of personal data regarding them; the user also has the right to the following information on their personal data:
  • indication of the origins of the personal data; purpose and processing method; applied logic in case of processing operations carried out with the assistance of electronic tools; identification details of the data controller; responsible parties and designated representative; subjects or categories of subjects to whom personal data may be communicated;
  • cancellation, anonymising or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data for which storing is not compulsory in relation to the aims for which the data were collected and subsequently processed; the integration or modification of data.
As data subject, the user has the right to object:
  • for legitimate reasons, to the processing of their personal data for the purpose of advertising or direct sales material or for market research using communication tools that this website uses to manage relations with the end user market.
As data subject, the user can, at any time, make a complaint to the competent Data Protection Supervisory Authority and revoke their consent to data processing.

Diritto di opposizione dell’Interessato
Quando i Dati sono trattati nell’interesse pubblico l’interessato ha diritto di opporsi, in tutto o in parte, al Trattamento dei Dati Personali che lo riguardano a fini di invio di materiale pubblicitario o di vendita diretta o per effettuare indagini di mercato attraverso strumenti di comunicazione che questo Sito Web utilizza per gestire le relazioni con il mercato degli Utenti finali.

Additional information
Specific information

This site can provide the user, on request, with information about specific services, in addition to that which is already included in the Privacy Policy.

Collected log files
Log Files are documents found on servers and collect information on implicit and explicit activities related to the user IP and that, therefore, may contain personal data.

“Do Not Track” Requests
If the user does not accept the Cookie Policy, they cannot browse this website.

Legal proceedings
The data controller may be obligated to reveal the user’s data if necessary in court to defend this website from allegations of misusing the user’s data.

Information not contained in this policy
The user can, at any time, request further information from the data controller regarding personal data collected which is not included in the Policy.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
This website has updated their Privacy Policy in compliance with GDPR guidelines. In any case, the data controller reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time and to communicate said change to the user through email or any other contact means provided by the user or simply through the website, if the changes do not require the user’s consent. It is therefore advised that you refer to the date referring to the most recent changes made, at the bottom of this page.

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