he Palace is the beating heart of Tenuta Rocci Cerasoli, this is where our dream was born, this is what we want to share with our guests. A careful historical recovery has allowed us not to deprive it of its original beauty. We have decided to adapt the environments to the existing spaces, without distorting the traces of a peasant tradition that recalls the simplicity and beauty of the ancient crafts deeply bounded to the territory. As well as the small church, the construction of the Palace dates back to the second half of the 1700s. In ancient times the ground floor was used for agricultural activities, stables and housing for the peasants, while the master bedrooms stood on the first floor. We have chosen to respect the ancient subdivision, placing the suite and the rooms on the first floor of the building where there is also a majestic living room as a common area for relaxation. On the ground floor instead you can find the reception, a snack bar, a large meeting room with an outdoor patio and other small corners to be discovered.